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501(c)3 Status Update

I am happy to report that the Woodlands Salon Series has successfully received its 501(c)3 status. Effective July 30, 2014, donations to the Woodlands Salon Series can be treated as tax deductible contributions.

Benefits for Woodlands Salon Series Donors

The Woodlands Salon Series is always looking to find ways to say 'Thank You' to people who help out or make financial contributions. There are currently two donor benefit levels. One level allows donors to purchase a season pass for the remaining concerts of the season. Higher level donors are given the opportunity to have a specific seat reserved so they do not have to worry about getting into the hall early for a good seat.

Season Passes

We are often asked if we sell season passes; something particularly important since we have been filling up often in under a week after opening the website for the next concert. Now when you go to the RSVP page to make a new reservation, in addition to the ability to request a number of adult or student tickets, you will see a new line for season passes.

Season passes allow you to buy tickets for the remaining concerts in the current season.  The per seat cost will be $25 more than the cost of a normal seat (typically $50 vs. our normal $25), however the extra $25 will be counted as a contribution for donor recognition (see below).

At the beginning of the season, a season pass for 6 concerts will cost $300 each; $150 going for the tickets and $150 credited as a donation.  For season passes purchased starting the second concert, the amount will be $250 reflecting the purchase of 5 concerts, etc.

Tickets purchased as part of the season pass program will not be refundable; however they can be given to friends and should you not be able to use your seats, the full value will be treated as a donation thus increasing your contribution credit towards the early access seating program.

It is very important that you let us know if your season pass tickets will not be used so that people on the waiting list, which we typically have, may attend. As always, we want to accommodate as many people as we can, and not have any empty seats.

Should we have to eliminate a concert you will receive a full refund for that concert including the associated $25 donation.  Likewise, should we have to change the date of a concert, you will be offered the ability to turn in that concert's ticket for a full refund of that concert and its associated $25 donation.

Note that our initial plan is to limit the number of season passes we sell to around 50% of the seats so that most people have the opportunity to purchase a seat at our normal, low price.

Season Passes with Reserved Seats

We have seen an increasing tendency for people to line up early for seats rather than socializing or partaking of the food we have prepared just so they can be one of the first people to choose their seats.  We are honoring our top donors with the ability to by seson passes with assigned, reserved seats.

The number of reserved seats are limited and significantly more expensive than normal tickets or unreserved season passes. At the beginning of the season, a season pass costs $500 per seat. This amount decreases by $50 per concert as the season progresses; $450 starting at the second concert, $400 at the third, etc.

As with undreserved season tickets, it is very important that you notify us if you are not able to make a concert. With prior notification, you can let others use your seats. If you can not use it, the seat portion of the missed concert will be treated as a donation.

Please contact Scott Cutler before or after making a reserved seat reservation to disccuss which seats are available for reserving.